Monday, December 7, 2020

Ayla - Planing a Christmas Dinner / Lunch

Last week, room 1 has been assigned to create a list of what we would bye for a Christmas dinner/lunch. Miss Paton had told us that we would imagine we had an unlimited budget. We would then round up the total amount of money we spent. I spent $169.63.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Ayla - Christmas Senses Poem


Today, we have been assigned to create a Senses poem based around Christmas. I hope you enjoy reading mine!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ayla - Christmas acrostic poem


For the Advent / Christmas season, Room 1 and I have been making acrostic poems. The word for the acrostic poem was Christmas. I hope you enjoy reading my acrostic poem.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Ayla - Santa Letter

 Santa Letter

Dearest Santa,

I know I’m not the most decent and all but come on! You should give me a second chance. Yeah, maybe I’ve hurt my older brothers, I don’t clean my room, I sometimes enjoy annoying my brother Astyn. MAYBE I might not believe that you even existed. Alright, maybe I ignored my parents when I didn't want to do something for them but I mean, can’t they do it themselves? Well… I mean, I could change if one of the gifts you give me is discipline. And … I might talk on  the mat sometimes,  and slip up a tiny bit at altar serving but I mean, I’m a human and humans aren’t perfect. Partly because, I spent one extra second writing “Dearest,” instead of just plain, old “Dear.” I don’t want much either. All I want is a sketchbook to draw heaps of fan art for you. Also, you’re the source of childhood dreams and I’m a child, so if you don’t give me that gift I want and deserve, you’re ruining children’s dreams. If you don’t give me that gift, then you’re missing out on me becoming a better child.

Yours truly, 


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ayla - Athletics day recount

 “No, no, no, no!”Was all that was running through my head before we even got to the field! You see, I don’t really like to play sports  so I felt like I would fall face first into a lot of things.

“Okay, you´re in P2 - Puke te papa team 2, Ayla, with Joseph.” Explained Miss Paton as she marked my right hand with a vivid marker. The mark had said “P2.” “For some reason, in our class - Room 1, we only had 2 people in Puke te papa, and those 2 people were Jenesys and I.” Was what I thought as I sat down on the mat with some students from our class - room 1, after being marked. “Eh, he’s probably running late again.” I had continued in my head as  I sat down on the mat with a few other students. A few minutes later, a n ice melody had begun to play for the bell as the rest of the school had begun to go back into their classes. When the “bell” had finished, someone had raised their hand to say the sign of the cross to start off with prayers. As we finished prayers, Jenesjs had finally entered the room. “The athletic program will begin at 10.” Miss Paton had said, explaining what would be happening that Thursday. “Come to Miss Mia if you haven’t been marked yet.” She added. While we waited for ten o’clock, we wrote out our movie scripts for our assembly because that was what Miss Paton told us to do. “Any questions?” Miss Paton, our teacher asked us. We all kept silent because we had nothing to say. Ken P entered the room. As he walked to the mat, Miss Paton had signaled for him to go to Miss Mia and get his hand signed. The rest of the class stood up to get their writing books to start writing their scripts. While we wrote, some children had begun to raise their hands for Miss Paton to check their work. I had also finished my writing, so I did the same. “Just type your writing out on your Chrome books when you’re done.” Miss Paton had commanded as she checked someone else’s work. “If you’ve finished typing,come to me for checking.” Miss Paton had added on. I stood from my chair, and walked to Miss Patons table to get my work checked.  After she checked my work, she printed my writing for me to pick up from the library. “Got it!” I said as I ran back to class with my assembly / movie script in hand. Before I could start to practice my script, the “bell” had rung to meet in front of the library

When we got there, we had to sit with our house team. I was a little upset because I didn’t really have any friends in my house - Puke te papa, so I felt a tiny bit lonely. To be honest, it was pretty strange, because, for the past three years I’ve been doing athletics, I’ve been with the same group of people. Not that they’re mean or anything, it’s just strange, like mentioned earlier. My team was of Ceazah - blue, Elina, Esi, Yumi, Jenesys, Joseph, Tausala, Cornelius, Angila and Esha. Mr Haddnet - the principal, would give our leader a cardboard card. This card would determine how many points your team would get. One is ten points, two is twenty points, and three is thirty points. Joseph was running late so we had to go with Damians group because Joseph wasn’t there. Before we got to the field, Joseph began running to the library. “Go get the card!” Was what most of the people in Puke te papa were shouting as Joseph walked to Mr Haddnet to get the card. P2 team still had to go with P1 - Puke te papa team 1, anyways. As we walked down the field, I felt like I was having deja vu - the definition I’ve been told is when you have something happen to you that you thought or dreamt of, in other words, I thought I was a fortune teller. Turns out I didn’t fall face first into the ground, We were going to be doing the sack race with Mrs D’Souza until we found out that we were actually supposed to be doing the tail catch with Mr Tyrel. 

The name of Mr Tyrel’s game was called catch the tail because there’s two types of people. I’ll talk more about them soon. Everyone will wear a black, velcro belt around their waist. They would then have a blue strip attached to their belt. Some people will be taggers. Their goal is to take all of the strips away from the opponent team. The second team were the runners. The runners had to run away from the taggers to avoid having their strips taken. If the runners strip was taken, they had to stay still until they were told that they were a tageer by Mr Tyrel. Ceazah - blue was the first tagger. I thought I was going to be the first one to get tagged until I realized that he was distracted with everyone else. “Five, four, three, two, one!” Mr Tyrel had counted down to tell us how much time we had left. The first one to get tagged was Esi. Jenesys had thought Esi would be the first to be tagged because Esi is Ceazah - blues brother. I just stayed on the opposite side of the taggers and I didn’t get tagged that round. The second one that was tagged was Elina. This round was the round I got tagged. That was because I saw Joseph, Tausala, and Jenesys hiding in the corner so I joined them. When I joined them, they left me for Elina to tag me. I ran to Cornelius, who was also tagged that round. Elina took my tagg and ran. Mr Tyrel counted down again as Cornelius and I were telling Mr Tyrel that we were tagged. Yumi was the next tagger. On the next round, Joseph was the last one to be tagged so we all had to try and take his tag. Doing that was a success. Joseph was going to be the next tagger until the bell rang for us to go to the next game.


Our group's next game was bean bag throw with Miss Mia and Owen. Half of our group was with Miss Mia while the other half was with Owen. I was with Owen. Owen’s team was more of the “losing team.” “C’mon guys, I destroyed Miss Mia last time! What’s happened?” Owen had said. It sounded like he was complaining. I missed most of the buckets. I could say I was calm about missing but that would be a lie. “You foolish buckets! You will regret the day you messed with me!” I shouted in my head after I missed most of the buckets. I feel like it’s only right to say that Miss Mia’s group won.

We walked to the other side of the lower court to Mrs Heimuli’s station. She was doing skip rope races. As soon as I saw the skipping ropes, I wanted to back up. You see, I’m not the greatest at skipping so once again, I felt like a fortune teller. Yup, it didn’t happen again. We needed a junior as a partner. My partner was Angila. When the juniors skipped their way to the finish line, it looked so easy but when I tried, I kept hitting myself in the face. The next thing with Mrs Heimuli was holding our buddy’s  hand and running with them to the finish line and dropping them off. We would then leave our younger partner at the finish line, and run back to the starting line. The juniors would then run back to the starting line. Our group’s fourth and final game before the bell for morning tea went was the three legged race with Mrs Whybur. We needed a partner that was about the same height as you. My partner was Elina.  Everyone would have this small looking rope that would tie one of your ankles with your partner's ankle, and a tip from Mrs Whybur to be slow. I could say I took it slow and we won but that would be a lie. “Slow and steady wins the race.” I kept telling myself as I sped up. Elina’s ankle must have hurt so sorry Elina!

After Morning tea…

Our fifth game was a sack race with Mrs D’Souza. I will tell you, it wasn’t as easy as I thought. The juniors would stand on one end while the seniors would stand on the other end. The juniors would start by getting into the sack and hop to the seniors. The seniors would then get into the sack and hop to the side the juniors started on. As I started, I accidentally ripped a hole in it. 

The sixth game our group attended was gumboot throw with Mrs Sullings jr. This game was my favourite game. The juniors got to throw a small boot while the seniors had to throw a huge gumboot. Toacasies throw went the furthest. We had to throw further than Toacasies. Joseph kept on throwing his gumboot into bushes.

Our group's seventh and final game before the lunch bell rang was long jump with Miss Paton. The goal of this game was to jump the furthest. Before we started, we had to take off our socks and shoes. I thought I would go far but I kept stumbling backwards. Luckily I wasn’t last. I had to help Esha put her shoes back on so I had to stay back on the field longer.

After Lunch…

It was finally time for sprints. This made me nervous because I’m not that great with running. I was second or third to last. At least I wasn’t last.

The final event was the tug of war! The first house that Puke te papa - blue, versus Tetatua - yellow. Luckily Puke te papa bet Tetatua. Owairaka - green,  and Manga whau - red,  were versing each other next. The winning house from that round was Manga whau. The next two houses were competing were I think Owairaka and Puke te papa. Owairaka had beaten Puke te papa. Some people were saying that Owairaka was cheating because “Mr Tyrel helped them!” All I remember was that Manga whau won the tug of war for 2020. After all the houses competed against each other, rooms 1 and 2 versed the parents. Some of the teachers had helped us - rooms 1 and 2, and we had beaten the parents.

Overall, the athletics day for 2020 was very fun. I’m grateful that we even got to have an athletics day. Especially with Covid - 19 / Coronavirus thing. My favourite game was the gumboot throw. I’ve learnt that 1, Joseph likes to throw boots into trees and that my feet like to rip holes into potato sacks

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Ayla - Diwali Dictogloss writing

For the Diwali festival in India, Miss Paton assigned us to do a Diwali Dictogloss. We were to then gather up all our information and write our information in sentences and put them into paragraphs in our writing books with a partner. If you had your work checked by Miss Paton, you to make a google drawing with all your information.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Pick a path - The Case


For the past couple of weeks, Mrs Grey has been coming into Room 1 on Thursday to help us write Pick a Path stories with a group. My group was of Melody, Ken F and Ethan. We decided to write about a robbery, naming it "The Case."

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ayla, Rocio and Aadirai - Forest rescue

 Forest Rescue 

By Aadirai, Ayla, and Rocio 


Connie - Ayla

Kayzia - Aadirai

Gunmar the goat - Rocio

Rufus the dog - Ayla

Deny the duck - Rocio

Rescue helper 1 - Sir Colin - Aadirai

Rescue helper 2 - Sir Kaleb - Rocio

Mum’s voice  - Ayla

“I don’t want to go outside!” yelled Connie.

 “At least get some fresh air for once.” replied Kayzia. “Besides, we’re already outside enjoying the fresh air. Also, Rufus wants to go for a walk. We can't just leave him in the house all day or leave him to walk somewhere alone randomly in the forest.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll tag along” replied Connie in defeat. “I’m only going because Rufus can’t go alone in the forest!” 

Kayzia takes out her phone and calls Mum.  “So when are you kids coming back?” asked Mum, in a bit of a worried voice. 

“We will be back by dinner”. Rufus barked for Connie and Kayzia’s attention, as Kayzia ended the call with her Mother. 

“Come on, let’s go already.” Connie says in an angry voice. 

“Alright then” Kayzia replies.  Connie pets Rufus and puts his leash on. Kayzia and Connie start to walk Rufus around the forest. The forest was dark because the tall trees were blocking the sun.  Minutes passed and  they ran into a wild goat and a wild duck. 

“Run!” Kayzia shouted in fear as Rufus, Kayzia and Connie ran away from the duck and the goat. As the three ran away, Rufus scratched his paw on a rock. Rufus started to whimper in pain. To Kazyia, Rufus and Connie’s surprise,  Deny the duck took a feather from herself, wrapping it around Rufus’ paw. Gunmar the goat ripped a leaf from a tree and wrapped it around the feather. Gunmar then took some tree sap with his horn and stuck it to the leaf to keep the feather and the leaf stable together. The girls then understood that Gunmar the Goat and Deny the duck were harmless. The two animals wanted to help the girls find their way home, but they did not know how to find their way out of the forest.  Gunmar the goat, Deny the duck, Rufus the dog, Kazyia and Connie started to look for ways to get out of the forest. But with no luck. 

“Guys, there’s no use in looking around for an exit” Connie pointed out in defeat. “Wait, we can use Kazyia’s phone to call someone to help us!” Rufus started to bark with excitement. Kazyia pulled out her phone and tried to call a rescue team to help them, but there wasn’t any reception. 

“We should go look for food, it’s getting late.” Kayzia pointed out. As the group walked by, Connie stumbled upon some food. 

“Hey I found a random bag of chips.” said Connie. Kayzia walked up to the bag of chips and picked them up. 

“Guys, I don’t really know if we can eat this. I mean what if it's poisoned or something.” Kazyia said in a trembling voice from hunger. 

“Guess you have a point.” Connie replied in an annoyed voice. Rufus barked as he signaled for the group to look elsewhere for food sources. Suddenly the group heard a propeller noise above the group. It was a helicopter! Gusts of wind blew their hair and nearly blew a bush down. The helicopter lowered to the ground, causing a huge thud. Two men stepped out of the helicopter. 

“Hello there, we’ve received a call saying that a woman's daughters and dog have gone missing in this forest, so I believe they are you perhaps?” Asked one of the two men in an unsure voice. 

“Yup, that’s us right, he - !” But before Connie could finish her sentence, the second rescue worker interrupted.

“ Sorry about that, we forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Colin, also known as Sir Colin. The guy that I cut off was Sir Kaleb!” Sir Colin said in enthusiasm.” And I think you already know why we’re here!” Connie replied in excitement, 

“Are you here to give us food!?” 

“No! We’re here to rescue you guys.” Sir Colin points out in disbelief. 

“Come on already, let's get out of here!” Kazyia shouted in excitement as Rufus, Connie and Kazyia climbed up the helicopter and the two rescue workers followed them. When Connie, Kazyia and Rufus got into the helicopter, they waved goodbye to Gunmar the goat and Deny the duck. 

As the helicopter flew away Connie started to show off saying, “see! I told you that we shouldn’t have gone into the forest!” As she showed off, Kazyia admitted in defeat, 

“Fine, you were right. I guess. But I mean, you’re still lazy and that’s not entirely true!” Kazyia pointed out, laughing at Connie as the two started to argue.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Love and Service word cloud


Today Room 1 and I have been making Word art on things that mean Love and service. Here is my word cloud

Friday, October 16, 2020

My comment to Room 1 from Christ the king

 Today Room 1 and I have been commenting on the Ako Hiko Film Festival. I commented on Andrea, Timnet and Sharon's movie. After we commented, we had to post the comment on our blog. Here's my comment

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Ayla-Cinderella Retel

 Once upon a time there was a happy and humble, married couple that had a caring daughter. Their daughter was named Ella. They had happily lived together until one horrible day the mother fell ill. The father and daughter thought that the mother wasn’t going to survive and soon after they were right, because a few days later, the mother passed away.

 Years later, the father fell in love with a nasty, selfish woman and later married her. The Stepmother had two ugly and nasty daughters called Anastasia and Drizella who secretly picked their noses. The father one day had to go overseas for work and never returned.

 Anastasia and Drizella were jealous of Ella because of her beauty and caring personality. Ella was usually covered in ash so the step daughters nicknamed Ella, Cinderella. They would also make Cinderella wear old rags and make her clean all day and night.

Days later, one of the King's helpers had to go to every door in the village and tell them about the ball that the King was hosting, in hope that the Prince would find a wife.

Cinderella had wished to go to the ball but her commanding Step Mother said, “You will not be able to go to the ball unless you finish your chores in making this house spotless”! As Cinderella sat down on the cold, kitchen floor she started crying for help. Her mice and pigeon friends overheard her cries for help and came to the rescue. They started cleaning until the house was spotless. Cinderella walked up to her Step Mother and asked again saying, “May I please go to the ball?” The Step Mother replied, “Oh but look at you, you are covered in dirt. The King won’t want his ballroom covered in dirt!” The Step Mother and the Step Sisters left Cinderella alone to cry.

As Cinderella cried alone, a woman randomly appeared. “Why is such a kind girl like you crying all alone?” asked the woman. “Well I really wanted to go to the ball but my Step Mother and Step Sisters just left me here”. The woman feeling sorry for Cinderella waved her wand and it turned a pumpkin into a carriage. She then gave Cinderella a bright blue dress and glass slippers. She also turned the mice into horsemen and the pigeons into horses. Cinderella then realised that the woman was actually her Fairy Godmother. The Fairy Godmother then told Cinderella, “Be home by midnight because that is when all of my spells run out”.

The Prince then found Cinderella who was the perfect fit for the glass slipper. The Prince then lifted Cinderella into the air and a few days later they got married.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Aadirai, Alexus and Ayla's Science experiment video


Today Aadirai, Alexus and I had presented our google drawing of our volcano experiment. As we presented, Miss Paton filmed us, so here is the video. 

Aadirai, Alexus and Ayla's Science Experiment


Yesterday Aadirai, Alexus and I put together a Google drawing based off our volcano science experiment. It shows our aim, hypothesis, materials, method, results and conclusion of when sodium bicarbonate powder, water and citric acid combine.

Aadirai, Alexus and Ayla's Volcano Experiment Slide show

This week in Room 1, Miss Paton made use think of an experiment with a group. I decided to go with Alexus and Aadirai. We came up with a Volcano experiment. With the help of Alexus' mother, we found different types of ingredients instead of  vinegar and baking soda or coke and mentos.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Ayla Exploding Lunchbag


Last week Room 1 and I had done a science experiment called "Exploding Lunch Bag". Before we did the experiment we had written down a concept star and we wrote down what we thought would happen when an akaline and an acid mix.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Retel of "The three little Pigs"

 Retell of the “Three little Pigs”

Once upon a time there lived three middle-aged pigs living with their dear mother. It was time for them to move out of their mother's house and start their own life. They made their own house. The first pig made their house out of straw. The second pig made theirs out of sticks and the third one made theirs out of bricks. Obviously the brick one would be the most stable. A few hours after they all finished building their houses they were all relaxed in their new houses. Hours passed and a wolf came along and decided to manipulate them into eating them.

 He knocked on the door of the first pigs saying, “Little pig, little pig let me in”! “Not by the hairs on my chin”! replied the first pig with anger in his voice. “Then I’ll huff and puff and I’ll blow your house down”! said the wolf as he blew the house of straw down. The first pig sped off into the second pigs house in fear. The second pig welcomed the first pig into his house of sticks.  

The same thing happens to the second pig. “Little pigs, little pigs let me in”! shouted the wolf in anger. “Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins”! replied the two pigs in fear.“Then I’ll huff and puff and I’ll blow your house down”! yelled the wolf in anger as he blew the house down. As he was doing so he watched the two pigs run to the house of bricks.

 The wolf followed the first two pigs to the house of bricks. The third pig invited the two pigs into the house, in a hurry they slammed the door on the wolf. “Little pigs, little pigs let me in”! commanded the wolf. “Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins”! The three pigs replied with confidence. The wolf unknowingly replied with, “Then I’ll huff and puff, and I’ll blow your house down”! He shouted as he attempted to blow the house of bricks down. He tried a second time to blow the house down but failed again.  “Why can’t I blow down your house”! The wolf asked in frustration. The wolf got tired and so he stopped.

 “I have a plan”. “I have a plan”.The wolf told himself as he climbed into the chimney of the house made of bricks. As he fell into the chimney he noticed that he was going to fall and burn in the fireplace. Luckily for him he had been caught by the three little pigs. The pigs let him go upon the condition that if he tried to eat them again, then they would do something more harmful to the wolf.  The pigs lived happily ever after. 


Thursday, August 20, 2020

When the wind changed Drawing


This week on Tuesday, we read a book called "When the wind changed" and one of the tasks was to draw a picture of the main character (Josh) with or without his funny face and brain storm things that would describe him. Here's my drawing

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

When the wind changed Questions

 How did Josh become a hero at the end of the story? Answer: He stopped a robbery with his father

How did Dad change at the end of the story? Answer: When he showed Josh his scary face, the wind changed and that paralized his face.

Why was Grandma scared of Josh and what was her reaction? Answer: Grandma was scared of Josh because of his scary face. Her reaction was hitting Josh with her newspaper.

What was Dad’s reminder to Josh?

Answer: Dad’s reminder to Josh was to be careful when he made funny faces because the wind might change.

What happened to Josh at the end of the story? Answer: The wind changed a second time and it changed Josh’s face back to normal again.

 Who did Josh scare throughout the story? Answer: Josh scared his mother, the Mail man and his Grandma.

Monday, August 10, 2020

My Tivaevae Mat

This is my Tivaevae Mat. 

I used two coloured papers, scissors, pencil or pen, glue and a craft knife    

I am not pleased with my Tivaevae Mat because it doesn't look very neat

I found this task difficult because I had to cut really small designs.

I made my Tivaevae mat by

Folding the paper diagonally

Cutting out the extra paper

Folding the square paper into quarters or eighths 

Drawing a design on your paper

Using a craft knife to help me cut out the smaller designs in the middle

Unfolding the paper with your design on it

Getting out the second coloured paper. Gluing the paper with my pattern onto it. Then trimming any excess paper.

 Here is the finished result


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Cloud in a jar. By Ayla

This week Room 1 and I did an experiment of making a cloud in a jar. If you want to know how to do the experiment, check the presentation.

Watercare Recount

“Oh come on”! I yelled because we had to go back into class early for our Watercare session. I didn’t know how interesting (but gross) it could be. 

The lady who was going to teach us about Watercare had introduced herself. “Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I’m going to be teaching you about Watercare!” Sarah said with a big smile and a loud voice. She then asked, “I’m a member of Water care, what are the two most important things I do for my work?”. I raised my hand with a few other classmates and she chose me. 
“Umm, uhh, you treat the water?” I said with a nervous voice. “Yes we do”, Sarah replies. After she said that I took a sigh of relief. “What is the other thing we do though”? Someone replied but I forgot what it was. Sarah mentioned that she was an educator and she didn’t do all the other things that she’s going to mention later.

“Okay, so first I am going to show you what the toilets were like in the olden days” Sarah said. She showed a picture of a hotel on Queens Street. The toilets were called “Chamber pots”. Sarah told us how they worked by saying that the chamber pot would be under people's beds with a towel covering it. While the people who used the chamber pots were asleep, the workers called the chambermaids who would come inside the room. They would take the chamber pot and chuck the waste outside into a river. Then she went on and talked about the toilets in houses. There used to be a shed near the house where a bucket with newspaper would be. The owners of the house would just do their “business” in the bucket. After that they would wipe their bottom with newspaper and put them back. Late at night men with horses would take the bucket and throw all the pees and poops into a random area. 

“Finally”! I shouted in my head because it felt like forever since we went outside. Our class following Sarah were walking to the front of the library to do an experiment with powdery light rocks, watering cans with water, a blackboard and a plastic sheet. It was in three groups of nine or eight. We had to put the rocks on the blackboard like mountains and when we were all done Sarah told us to put the plastic sheet over the rocks. When  we were done we had to watch the other groups pour the water inside the watering can onto the sheet. The goal was to see how many rivers and streams went off the sheet. As we watched the other groups some people started fighting over who poured the water onto the sheet. Finally, it was our turn and Trelia had poured the water and three streams spilt off the sheet. 

Overall I thought that was very interesting to learn about the water. It was worth it to end lunch early for Watercare. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Suzanne Aubert

For RE Room 1 and I have been writing about people who have lived or live the life of Jesus. I chose Suzanne Aubert. Here is my presentation.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Yeast Balloons Experiment

Today and last week Room 1 and I made Yeast balloons using a dry packet of Yeast, warm water and sugar. Once we were done with the experiment we had to make a copy of the slideshow Miss Paton made us and write down the instructions in our own words. This is my instructions.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Masu Box

Today my class and I made instructions on how to make an origami Masu Box.
Before we started writing instructions on how to make the Masu Box, we had a go at making them ourselves with Miss Paton.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Dams Dictogloss writing

A dam is a barrier that blocks flows of water from rivers and streams. The purpose of this is so that it goes through, over or around the barrier.

Dams are built across rivers, streams and estuaries to retain water.

Most dams have one purpose and that is to retain water (to prevent floods). Other dams can be used for fishing, generating hydro electric power, and they can also be used for the improvement of navigation.

Water Care operates fourteen supply reservoirs. Five of them are located in Waitakere Rangers, two are near Helensville and four are in the Hunua Ranges.

Dam supply about 80% of Auckland's water. Dams are built really high. After World War 2, dams were made out of earth and rock.

The Waitakere Ranges have five dams. Three of them are made out of concrete and two are made out of earth.

The dams that supply Auckland's water | RNZ

Friday, May 29, 2020

Triangular prism Google Drawing

This week and last week room 1 has been learning about 3D shapes. Yesterday and today we have been assighned to make google drawings on them. This is my Triangular Prism drawing.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

2D Shapes

These are 2D/ 2 dimensionally shapes. We looked at the number of sides and corners of a circle, rectangle, triangle, square, pentagon, octagon, hexagon and decagon. 

Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Self Control

Today I made a word cloud based on one fruit of the Holy Spirit. I also had a partner who did the same. My partner that was chosen for me was Aadirai. The fruit we chose to do was the cherries. Our word was self-control, this is my word cloud. I had to choose synonyms that meant the same as Self Control.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to make an Origami Swan

Yesterday room 1 and I had made a paper swan and a paper penguin. When we were finished making the origami swan and penguin, Miss Paton gave us the option to write instructions for making the swan or the penguin. I chose the swan.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Peace and Joy poster

Today we have learnt about peace and joy and what peace and joy is. We had the choice to make a peace and joy word cloud, make a peace and joy poster or you can put them together. I've put mine together. We were learning about peace and joy because it's our value for this term.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Lame man

Once upon a time, there was a man who would sit on the entrance of the temple. He would ask if he could have any money. Peter and his friend were walking into the temple. They hadn’t recognized this man before. The man asked, “Do you have any money”? Peter spoke calmly to the man and said, “I do not have any silver nor gold but I will give you what I own, stand up and walk”. After Peter said that the man then stood up, and started walking and talking about how Peter healed him. The three men then walked out of the temple and the people were surprised because they had never seen the man walk before. Peter had talked about how this was Jesus’ doing. That day the crowd grew bigger and bigger. The priests had got annoyed because they didn’t believe John and Peter so they arrested them. The next day they asked lots of questions to Peter. Later they freed them because there was no real crime committed by them healing the lame man. They had told them to never talk about Jesus or they’d be punished. They weren’t scared because they knew that God was more powerful so they preached about Jesus wherever they went.
Jesus Speaks with a Lame Man

Holy Spirit Word Cloud

Room 1 has been learning about the Holy Spirit and one of the tasks was to make a Holy Spirit Word Cloud using words from what happend on Pentecost.

Holy Spirit Dictogloss notes

Yesterday Room 1 did a Holy Spirit Dictogloss. When we were done we had to we had some Holy Spirit English Tasks to complet. One of the tasks was to make a Google drawing or Slide and put the notes we got from the dictogloss.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Finding George Tasks

Room 1 has been learning about what happend in World War 1 and some of us had been assigned to make Slideshows to do some finding George tasks.

Countries that were involved in World War 1

For some weeks we have been learning about World War 1 and one of our asighnments was to make a map of which countries were involved in World War 1.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


My favourite Teddy “Bear” writing

My favourite Teddy “Bear”
One reason is that I like the colouring of the bunny. It’s also really fluffy. I really enjoy the design of the bunny and its cute face. Even if it’s not really a bear it’s still my favourite plushie. It’s mainly purple with many bright spots on it. This bunny was a gift from my eldest brother. He gave it to me as a Christmas present.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

World War 1 Dictogloss Notes

Room 1 has been studying what happend in World War 1. A task we had been given was to use our notes from our World War 1 Dictogloss and put them in a Google Drawing or a Slide show.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

WW1 Tricky Words

Autumn acrostic poem

A few weeks ago (I think) we were assighned to make an acrostic poem. The word could be Autumn or your name. This is mine

Jasma acrostic poem

Yesterday for Mothers day we had been assighned to make acrostic poems and word could either be mum, mother, mummy or your mothers name. If you didn't have a mum then you could use your grandmother to.

My Tesellation Pattern

Last week we were given a task to make tesellation patterns. The way we were supposed to make them was to fold a paper in half, then cut out one triangle, take another paper and then just draw the triangles on the paper.

How to make an Origami Fox Face

Last week we were assighned to make instructions on "How to make an Origami _ ." I decided to do the Origami Fox Face because I thought it was the simplest to make into instructions.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

Quick Writes - Hybrid animals

This is a hybrid of what looks like a lion cub and part hedgehog. The body of it is a hedgehog and the head is of a cub. This hybrid is small enough to fit into a palm of someone's hand. It has a round shape and it looks very easy to lose if it were to be somebody’s pet.

Now this one looks like a hybrid of a sphynx cat and a pig. At first glance it looks like a regular sphynx cat but really it has a snout that looks like the snout of a pig with the colour too. Most of its body and its tail looks like the tail of a sphynx cat.

This one really looks like any other ordinary lion but if you take a closer look it has stripes on its body. The body of this hybrid has its body covered in stripes from what seems to be a tiger. The mane and the facial features make it look more like a lion.

Now this one is honestly really adorable. It’s a hybrid of a rabbit and a  pug dog. The facial features and the shape of the body make it look like a pug but the size and the ears gives away the fact that it’s a hybrid animal.

Okay, now this one will just make you laugh. To be honest I can’t really tell what one of them is. It looks like the body, feet and tail are from a rooster and the facial features make it look like a yawning gorilla.

This one is a little cute to say the least. The  body and neck poster makes it look like a camel but the face and feet make it look like some sort of breed for a dog.

This one is the final one. It’s pretty obvious that this one is a hybrid of a flamingo and a penguin. All the feathers that this hybrid is covered in are what look like the feathers from a flamingo, same with the face but the body and feet are from a penguin

Duffy Theater

Duffy Theater


We had to go to the hall at 11.00AM because there was going to be a Duffy Theatre Show. Before the show started one of the three people in the cast were doing some actions with mostly her hands. Another one of the three actors was playing the guitar. The music from the guitar was really nice but his facial expressions made almost everyone laugh. The third person was talking to Mr Tyrell. The girl was going to be Duffy's friend named Bex. The one playing the guitar was going to be Bex’s Father and Bex’s pet named Milly. Milly’s was a hybrid of a cat, dog and chicken, basically a Corgan. The person talking with Mr Tyrell was going to act as Duffy, Aaron the farmer and a delivery guy. When Bex got everyone’s attention the three cast members sang with us the “Duffy Song”. After we sang then the cast introduced themselves as the characters. That's when the show began!

The Show
It started off with Bex reading but in the middle of her book she was acting as if she finished the book. Then Duffy came to give her some books, or that's what it looked like to me. All of a sudden they  both heard a dog bark. Duffy was in shock and asked Bex something like, “Is that your new pet”?  Bex replied saying something like, “ Maybe”. After Bex replied, the   creation that just barked made a cat noise and a chicken bocked. Duffy said something like this with his mind metaphorically blown, “ Was that a dog's bark, a cat go meow and a chicken go Bock, Bock? wait a minute it’s not…” .
“It is”, Bex said as a reply to Duffy in excitement.
“HOW”! Duffy asked in shock. Bex told him the story but they were acting as if it was literally actually happening right at that moment. Bex’s Dad, at that moment said something like “Are you reading one of those books again?” .
“It’s a graphic novel dad”. Bex replied in a moody voice. They found an advertisement on Bex’s Dad’s phone from Farmer Aaron. 
“HELLO IT’S FARMER AaRON  HERE WITH REALLY GoOd PET DEALS FOR A CORGAN Which IS A HYBRID OF ONE THIRD DOG, ONE THIRD CAT AND ONE THIRD CHICKEN. ALRIGHT I’M GOing to HAVE TO GO, SO CLICK ON ME IF YOU WANt to SEE ANOTHER VIDEO OF ME RUN THROUGH A FIELD”! Aaron the farmer said in the ad. “Can we get one please”?  “That’s how we became the proud owners of our very own Corgan ''! Bex said to Duffy. “And how am I even looking at a non existing creature  that is in a book”! Mill the Corgan became filled with rage and started to chase Duffy around the whole house. Bex tried to apologize saying, “Sorry, Milly just gets fussy when people say that ''. Duffy then did that thing when people hold their hand out so animals like dogs can smell their scent and become comfortable with them. Bex started to tell Milly off saying, “If you don’t behave then we’re sending you back to the farm”! Milly was upset and ended up running away. Duffy and Bex tried to get Milly back. They were reading a book about Corgans to help them get Milly back. Their first attempt was using their oat bars to  get her back but it failed because Milly just ate the bar and ran away. Their second attempt was to sing with the students because Corgans loved to hear children singing.

After all of that I actually really enjoyed the show. It was really funny in general. My favorite part was when Milly pooped because I loved hearing everyone laughing.

My Lockdown Diary

This is week four of the lockdown and one of our assignments was to make a "Lockdown Diary". We were allowed to either print the pages out to write and/or draw on for the Lockdown diary or if we didn't have a printer we could use a Google Drive. I chose to use a Google slide show because I figured it would be easier to do.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Mary Mackillop

Earlier this tearm we had made Google drawings about Mary Mackillops life, this is my one.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Swimming Recount

As I was told the news I was filled with joy. I couldn’t wait to go swimming at the Dean Greenwood Swimming Pool in New Windsor. We spent ten days swimming there in total.

As we walked into the building which the pool was in, I felt confident but also a little insecure because I knew I wasn't good at swimming whatsoever. I did it anyway. The people in my row were Alexus, Rocio, Koloa, Theresa, Rosina and Agnes. We walked into the changing room, and I felt more and more nervous. Later after we waited for our turn, I became comfortable until we got into the pool. The feeling of the pool was really nice. During the lesson we did kicking with the boards. As I tried I started getting nervous again. Over time I became more and more confident. On the last day though one of the teachers I was with wasn’t as nice as the other teachers. It might just be me but she was really rude towards us. I didn’t really like the last day of swimming because of what we did that day. The first thing we did was duck diving. We did six kicks, dive under to touch the ground and swim to the other side. When we had finished, I was put in the second group. We had the shortest time in the pool. The second group just swam under the boat and climbed out of the pool to get changed. 

Overall I thought most of the lessons were fun. I enjoyed being there with my friends in the pool.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Recount Duffy Theater

Duffy Theatre


We had to go to the hall at 11.00AM because there was going to be a Duffy Theatre Show. Before the show started one of the three people in the cast were doing some actions mostly with her hands. Another one of the three actors was playing the guitar. The music from the guitar was really nice but his facial expressions made almost everyone laugh. The third person was talking to Mr Tyrell. The girl was going to be Duffy's friend named Bex. The one playing the guitar was going to be Bex’s Father and Bex’s pet named Milly. Milly was a hybrid of a cat, dog and chicken-, basically a Corgan. The person talking with Mr Tyrell was going to act as Duffy, Aaron the farmer and a delivery guy. When Bex got everyone’s attention the three cast members sang the “Duffy Song” with us. After we sang then the cast introduced themselves as the characters. That's when the show began!

The Show
It started off with Bex reading but in the middle of her book she was acting as if she finished the book. Then Duffy came to give her some books, or that's what it looked like to me. All of a sudden they  both heard a dog bark. Duffy was in shock and asked Bex something like, “Is that your new pet”?  Bex replied saying something like, “ Maybe”. After Bex replied, the   creation that just barked made a cat noise and a chicken bocked. Duffy said something like this with his mind metaphorically blown, “ Was that a dog's bark, a cat go meow and a chicken go Bock, Bock? Wait a minute it’s not…” .
“It is”, Bex said as a reply to Duffy in excitement.
“HOW”! Duffy asked in shock. Bex told him the story but they were acting as if it was literally actually happening right at that moment. Bex’s Dad, at that moment said something like “Are you reading one of those books again?” .
“It’s a graphic novel dad”. Bex replied in a moody voice. They found an advertisement on Bex’s Dad’s phone from Farmer Aaron. 
“HELLO IT’S FARMER AARON  HERE WITH REALLY GoOd PET DEALS FOR A CORGAN Which IS A HYBRID OF ONE THIRD DOG, ONE THIRD CAT AND ONE THIRD CHICKEN. ALL RIGHT I’M GOing to HAVE TO GO, SO CLICK ON ME IF YOU WANt to SEE ANOTHER VIDEO OF ME RUN THROUGH A FIELD”! Aaron the farmer said in the ad. “Can we get one please”?  “That’s how we became the proud owners of our very own Corgan ''! Bex said to Duffy. “And how am I even looking at a non existing creature  that is in a book”! Milly the Corgan became filled with rage and started to chase Duffy around the whole house. Bex tried to apologize saying, “Sorry! Milly just gets fussy when people say that ''.After that Duffy then did that thing when people hold their hand out so animals like dogs can smell their scent and become comfortable with them. Bex started to tell Milly off saying, “If you don’t behave then we’re sending you back to the farm”! Milly was upset and ended up running away. Duffy and Bex tried to get Milly back. They were reading a book about Corgans to help them get Milly back. Their first attempt was using their oat bars to  get her back but it failed because Milly just ate the bar and ran away. Their second attempt was to sing with the students because Corgans loved to hear children singing.

After all of that I actually really enjoyed the show. It really was funny in general. My favorite part was when Milly pooped because I loved hearing everyone laughing.

Friday, February 21, 2020

My Thinglink Duality Map

Yesterday we did our recordings on our Thing Link Duality Map. We had to choose six ideas from our duality maps. We needed to record the six ideas using Vocaroo -a recording website. For each idea we had to write two sentences.

Monday, February 17, 2020

My result on Prototec Maths

This is my result on Prototec Maths. Out of all the qustions I only got one incorect. The qustion I answerd  incorectly was 20 - 10 = ___ . The misstake I made was that I wasen't really paying attention to the aquion.  Except from that aquion I got the rest corect. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Room 1's Birthdays

5´th  February 2020

In Room 1 May and July had the most birthdays 
celebrated with four students' birthdays in the months of May and July.

 August and January are the second highest with three students’ celebrating their birthdays during these months. 

February, April, June and September have two students’ celebrating their birthdays in those months.

 March is the only month in this class with one student celebrating their birthday during this month.

 Finally October, November and December have nobody celebrating their birthdays.

I think July had the most people celebrating their birthdays this month only by coincidence.

I think July had the most people celebrating their birthdays this month only by coincidence

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Blog Profile - All about Me

Hello, I’m Ayla. I am in a family of six. I’m the youngest out of my family. I have a mother, father and three older brothers. My oldest brother is named Lawson. He is sixteen years old. He is at Marcellin College with my second oldest brother Astyn. This year it is his first year. Astyn started school last Thursday. Finally my last brother. His name is Aden. He is my twin brother. You might see him around the school. He’s in room 2. My parents are both Samoan but my father is also a little bit German and Chinese. As a hobby I like playing video games like Roblox with my brother Aden, my friends and my cousins.

I enjoy writing. I can’t say I’m the best at it but I’m definitely good at writing. I enjoy drawing and painting, especially art. A challenge for me is trying to study harder but I’m up for it. My goal is to study harder so I can get into Marcellin College with my twin brother.

Something I’m looking forward to is taking part in the cultural dance this year, if we have one. It’s fun to watch others perform.